Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Tomorrow will be the last day at work (where I get paid in dollars, not sticky lollipops)
I am hap-sad.
Quite happy that I am able to have the days off when D is off, and also looking forward to traveling. Also not having to get up pre-dawn and get dressed up.

I am sad because I really enjoyed my co-workers and they lovely tradition of "morning teas and afternoon teas". It made me feel throughly Australian and maybe a bit English ;)

I also loved talking to all the vendors and all the other offices all over Australia. Even though I have only travelled a little bit, I got to hear about the other cities and I felt really excited to help out when possible. It was pretty fun and exciting.
I'll still see a lot of my co-workers around town, and even made a couple good friends. I am excited about going home (to Texas- that will always be home even though I don't currently live there) and seeing my family and my friends. I hope we get to see everyone we miss so much!!! I can't wait!

And since I love posting insanely cute pictures of my offspring everywhere here I thought I would, enjoy! If you click on the picture it should take you to her OWN blog.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

No Vani-ty here!

So cute I couldn't resist.

Lil S: "I gorgeous, Mama!"

Mama: "Are you gorgeous now?"

Lil S: "No, I am Vani." (Vani is her self prescribed nickname).

I love how the mind of a 2.5 year old works!